Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Fun!

It was a fun-filled Halloween weekend! On Friday we visited Ryan at work and Lilly got to trick or treat in the cubicles. In the cafe they had lots of fun activities and we came home with balloons, play-doh and of course lots of candy!

On Saturday our neighbor had a Halloween party and the highlight was the bounce house. Lilly did a good job keeping up with the big kids. 

 And lastly, Lilly went trick or treating with her friend Addie. They both had the routine down after a few houses!


 Figuring out how to put the candy in the bag. 

Looking through their goods!

Touchdown - Go Ducks!

 Teaching Lilly to cheer for the Ducks!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


 We had an amazing time in Hawaii! We went snorkeling, kayaking, rock jumping, to the Polynesian Cultural Center and on some beautiful drives around the island!

Our private beach:

The view of our house from the beach:

What we did most of the time!

Lilly playing with her beach findings:

The family eating at Duke's in Waikiki Beach:

Lilly playing with her q-tips :)

Daddy and Lilly

The island we kayaked to - 2.5 miles off the island!

Grandad and Lilly playing at the Dole Plantation!

At the Polynesian Cultural Center

Thursday, October 7, 2010

More Random Videos

Random Lilly Videos

Lilly Helping Mommy with Her Calender

Lilly Helping Mommy with Her Calender

Mommy and I have a very busy schedule!

Summer Fun

Summer Activities for Lilly 

Riding Trikes with Grady...
the grass is always greener.

Fun in Bend after Ryan's Relay Race

Dad's morning coffee smells good

Doing jump squats in the park like Mommy

In Medford at Cindy's For a Pool Party

Aunt Natalie teaching me to dance

Cindy helping me get more watermelon

Mommy plays fetch better than Hurley

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Grandpa and me

Up at Windtree for a Weekend get away

Big shoes to fill

No, no Hurley

Failed attempt at a family picture

 BBQ at My House with the Young Marrieds Group

Relaxing with my friends