Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fun Stuff

We took Lilly shoe shopping and she kept herself very occupied in the mirror!
She looks like such a big girl!
Who is that girl that looks just like me?!?

We caught her first step on camera!
Standing up on her own:

Snow showing with mommy and daddy:

Christmas Pix

I am finally getting around to posting a few pictures from Christmas!
Lilly was very interested in the gingerbread house:
On our way to church on Christmas Eve:

Christmas morning:

Looking so innocent with her new loveys:

Open up the box already!

I think this present won! She wouldn't stop playing with it (and still hasn't!)

Christmas night before dinner:

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Lilly Happenings

We will post pictures from Christmas soon, but for now we wanted to share these two videos on Lilly's latest happenings.

Last weekend she took her first step! She hasn't done much since, but it is a start!

Lilly has learned a language that is completely foreign to use, but we are working to figure it out!